The following membership conditions form the basis of your contract with Indego Club Limited of Howes Farm Office, Doddinghurst Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0SG, Company number 07879522, trading as Indego-Club. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. By asking us to confirm your membership, we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these terms and conditions and agree to them.
In these membership conditions, "you" and "your" means you. "We", "us" and "our" means Indego Club Ltd.
These membership conditions apply to your membership of Indego-Club, any holidays bookings you make will be subject to our Trip Booking Conditions.
Membership Application:
Indego-Club is a members only club, acceptance of membership remains at Indego-Club's discretion at all times. Our membership criteria are shown on our FAQs section of the website. To request membership you should complete the application form on the website, a fee of £50.00 ("Membership Fee") is payable at the time of requesting membership (unless you are applying for the current FREE Founder Membership Offer)*. Once you have completed the application form and paid the Membership Fee* you may be required to attend a telephone interview or face-to-face meeting with an Indego-Club director, you will be notified of the outcome of your application within 2 working days of submitting your application or attending a telephone meeting or face to face meeting, whichever is the latter.
*See 'Pricing Policy and Founder Member Offer' below
Pricing Policy and Founder Member Offer:
We currently have a limited number of FREE Founder Memberships available. This means that we are currently waiving the Membership Fee. This is our Founder Member Offer.
Once we have reached the maximum number of 'Founder Members', the Membership Fee will be £50.00. This will be credited back to you in the form of a free activity to the value of £50.00 during your first holiday booking with us within the Membership Term. If you do not book a holiday during the Membership Term you will not be entitled to carry over the activity credit to a subsequent Membership Term.
If you request a holiday booking but this is not confirmed by us or is cancelled by us within 30 days of confirmation due to insufficient numbers or because of an unequal number of males or females, we will refund you the Membership Fee. All holiday bookings are subject to our Holiday Booking Conditions.
Should you wish to renew your membership a further Membership Fee at the prevailing rate will be payable.
Commencement and Term:
A binding contract will come into existence between you and us when we issue our confirmation invoice confirming acceptance of your membership application. Any acknowledgement of your application is not confirmation of it. Your membership will commence on the date that we issue our confirmation invoice and will continue for a period of 12 months ("Membership Term").
If your membership if not confirmed for whatever reason we will refund to you the Membership Fee.
You may cancel your membership to Indego-Club at any time but the Membership Fee charged will not be refunded on a pro-rata basis or at all.
Membership Rules:
It is a condition of your membership that you comply with our membership rules as may be amended from time to time. Indego-Club Ltd requires its members to complete truthful profiles online and meet the criteria outlined within the FAQs page. By completing your membership application, you are confirming that you meet these criteria. If the information you have provided subsequently becomes inaccurate or incomplete you should update your member profile or email us immediately.
If in our reasonable opinion you are found to have provided inaccurate or incomplete profile information during the Membership Term we have the right to terminate your membership without notice and no refund of the Membership Fee will be given.
We expect all clients to have consideration for other people. If during any holiday booking you make with us in our reasonable opinion or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority you behave in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate your membership with us. In this situation we will have no further responsibility towards you and no refund of the Membership Fee will be made.
It is your responsibility to carry your own independent and appropriate insurance for our trips and experience days. We do not warrant and we exclude all liability in respect of supplier services in respect of the quality, safety, usability or any other aspect of the services in respect of a trip which is booked through us.
If you have any complaints concerning the membership services we provide, you must inform us straight away in writing or via email. We regret we cannot accept any liability if we are not so notified. Our maximum liability to you if we are found to have been at fault in relation to any membership service we provide (as opposed to any services provided during any holiday booking you make with us) is limited to the Membership Fee. In respect of the membership services we provide we do not exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury which arises as a result of our negligence or that our employees whilst acting in the course of their employment.
Law and Jurisdiction:
We both agree that English law (and no other) will apply to your contract and to any dispute, claim or other matter of any description which arises between us ("claim") except as set out below. We both also agree that any claim must be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only.
If any provision of this agreement is deemed by any court to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any remaining provision(s).
Changes to Terms and Conditions:
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time. Members should check this page for updates to our terms.
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